Just Legends

Just Legends

Über den Arbeitgeber

Just Legends is the number 1 brand for smart gaming nutrition in Germany. We are gamers and food experts with 10 years of experience in performance food. With our broad product range, we support gamers and e-sports athletes on their way to becoming the best gaming version of themselves. From January 2021 we delighted already 30,000 clients who bought 2.5 millions of drinks. We dream of developing a uniquely holistic nutritional offering for the gaming and esports sector, first in Europe and then worldwide. To do this, we still need legendary support... ready to go?

Anzahl Mitarbeiter: 
Art des Unternehmensprofils: 
Kleinbetrieb (10-49 MA)
Internet/E-Business, Konsumgüter/Körperpflege, Nahrungs-/Genussmittel, Social Media
Gesuchte Funktionsbereiche: 
Content Management, E-Business, Programmierung, Produktmanagement, Marketing
Gesuchte Fachbereiche: 