
777 Davis Street, Suite 250
San Leandro, CA CA 94577,
Vereinigte Staaten

Über den Arbeitgeber


"We have incredible people and technology combined with unsurpassed customer focus; a combination that is very difficult for anyone else to duplicate." - Jenny Linton, President


OSIsoft® LLC delivers the PI System, the industry standard in managing time series data and events. We build software that puts process data in front of smart people so they can make smart decisions.

With a global base of more than 15,000 installations in 110 countries spanning the globe, the OSIsoft PI System is used in manufacturing, energy, utilities, life sciences, data centers, facilities and the process industries. This global installed base relies upon the OSIsoft PI System to safeguard data and deliver enterprise-wide visibility into operations, manufacturing and business data. The PI System enables users to manage assets, mitigate risks, comply with regulations, improve processes, drive innovation, make business decisions in real-time and to identify competitive business and market opportunities.

Our company values education, training, diversity and sharing ideas. We are passionate about our work and want to share that passion with you!



Anzahl Mitarbeiter: 
1 000
Konzern (über 1000 MA)
Consulting/Beratung, Dienstleistungen, Schulung/Training, Software
Gesuchte Funktionsbereiche: 
Support/Kundenservice, Consulting/Beratung, Installation, Forschung/Analyse/Entwicklung
Gesuchte Fachbereiche: 
Elektrotechnik, Energietechnik, Informatik, Maschinenbau, Mechatronik, Verfahrenstechnik, Physik


Julia Rasche 
University Recruiter

Allgemeine Informationen

777 Davis Street, Suite 250
San Leandro, CA CA 94577,
Vereinigte Staaten