Velolock Germany GmbH

Velolock Germany GmbH

Über den Arbeitgeber

LOCK8 is not only the world's first sensor & alarm secured, GPS tracked, remote locking smart bike lock - but also the first global bike sharing platform!



Lock8 is the next generation of bicycle lock security. Pioneering the world's first GPS tracked, smartphone enabled, socially integrated lock. 

Around 2 in 3 cyclists have been the victim of bike theft, so we have been developing the world's first ever smart bicycle lock - Lock8 - for over a year. 

With Lock8 when a thief tries to tamper with your bike, they’ll trigger a 120db alarm and we immediately notify the...Mehr lesen »

Anzahl Mitarbeiter: 
Kleinbetrieb (10-49 MA)
Gesuchte Funktionsbereiche: 
Projektmanagement, Rechnungswesen/Revision, Produktmanagement, Produktion/Fertigung, Technik, Logistik/Distribution, Controlling/Kostenrechnung/Planung, Buchhaltung/Bilanzen/Steuern
Gesuchte Fachbereiche: 
Technische Fachrichtungen, Wirtschaftliche Fachrichtungen

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